Saturday, January 2, 2010

6 Pack Abs And Kettlebell Exercises

6-Pack-Abs & Kettlebells

For years the so called "fitness experts” have been telling us to do endless crunches and sit ups to get great abs. Or buy the latest six pack abs gadget.

Combine that with the latest low fat diet and hours upon hours of slow boring cardio and - BANG! Instant 6-Pack Abs, right?

It’s amazing how, if you say something over and over and over again, people - even the most well-informed and educated people - will believe it as the truth.

But we know better, right?

So when I get asked, almost on a daily basis, how to lose fat and get six-pack-abs, my answer seems to confuse the “general population”…

1. Perform full-body exercises.

2. Train your abs the way they were meant to be trained (by forcing them to stabilize your torso, not move it or rotate it).

3. Use some form of interval training instead of long boring cardio.


4. Nutrition, clean food focusing on fruits & vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats limiting grains and refined carbs to a minimum.

That about sums it up in a nutshell and it doesn’t get any simpler than that.

When it comes to training with kettlebells, getting that six-pack is easy if you follow the rules above.

And one of the best exercises to get that 6-pack is the Turkish Get-Up or TGU.

Simply put, TGUs involve you laying on the ground holding a KB vertical with one arm and then performing a series of movements to get you standing upright.

It sounds simple enough, but rest assured, if you use a heavy enough kettlebell and use proper technique, it’s as hard an exercise as they come. And it will challenge you like no other KB exercise out there.

There are 2 variations on how to perform the TGU. Take a look at the video below and see which variation suits your abilities best.

Turkish Get Ups (TGUs) from Chris on Vimeo.

Remember, we train with kettlebells to simplify our lives and to give us an alternative to going to the gym and wasting the precious time it takes for us to drive, park, change, etc, etc. Time that can be spent doing more meaningful and impactful things - like spending time with our families & friends.

The truth about training to get 6 pack abs and a low % body fat is that our results aren’t so much dependant on what we do IN THE GYM, but what we do the other 23.5 hours in the day.

Are we getting enough sleep?

Are we able to handle our stress levels? (Notice how I said, “handle” and not “eliminate” stress. Fact is that stress is a part of life and it’s next to impossible to completely eliminate stress. Learning how to properly handle stress is more realistic.)

Are we eating whole, natural foods?

Don’t get me wrong, exercise plays a vital role in getting lean. After all, it’s still just a matter of calories in vs. calories out - or EAT LESS, MOVE MORE.

But if you’re using KB exercises and training at least 3 times per week, then, from an exercise standpoint, you’re on the right track!

I would like to thank Chris Lopez of the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution for this article on how the TGU and kettlebell exercises can help us get a flat stomach and lose that extra body fat.