Friday, May 29, 2009

Six Pack Abs Are You Doing It Wrong?

Six Pack Abs: The Myths and Facts About How To Get 6 Pack Abs

Let's face it we all notice the guy or gal with the slim and trim midsection. One of if not the most important body part to people is getting six pack abs. Good looking guys and women with slim and trim abs are admired and make other people’s jaw drop. So all you have to do is hundreds of crunches and other ab exercises and then like magic you'll have six pack abs.

The Six Pack Ab Myth
Most people who begin exercise programs are going about it the wrong way.

It's not your fault there is alot of misinformation out there. seems like not all that we hear from “experts” or overhear in the public or read in the magazines is right. Maybe the reason why we are not getting those perfect abs is because we are not doing it right. I will say most workouts I see people doing is a terrible waste of your time. So we need to know the myths and what is real to get those chiseled six pack abs we want.

Six pack ab Myth 1: Abdominal muscle is different from regular muscle.

Muscle is muscle. Abdominal muscle is the same as our biceps and lats. The only difference is the location. Abdominal muscles are not resting on a bony surface, instead it is against the stomach and intestines. There is no significant difference whatsoever.

Six pack Myth 2: Strong abs means a strong back.

The key to a strong back is a balanced abdominal muscles. You can work your abs, which will help your back muscles. Total body workouts for all around strength and fitness is the key. Infomercials give the false belief that by working out just one part of your body will give your health great benefits.

Working out and exercise should not just be concerned with one part of the body. What you need is an overall total body conditioning to be healthy.

Six Pack Myth 3: You have to train your abs at least every other day.

I love it when I hear personnal trainers telling their clients to get six pack abs you need to train them everyday. You need to train your abs hard enough twice a week like any other muscle group. The key is to choose exercises that fatigue your abs, so that they actually need recovery time. Include exercises that use the abs functionality. Since abs are used to stabilize the body, holding a push up position without letting your body sag will really feel and develop your abdominal muscles.

Six Pack Myth 4: To gain results, high repetitions are required.

The key to six pack abs is the exercises you choose that are not ab specific. As far as reps go the abs are no different than any other muscle. If your aim is abdominal endurance, the more crunches you do each time, the more you can do later on. It does not strengthen the abs very much but it does eat up most of your time.

Six Pack Myth 5: Hard rock abs can be attained by doing a lot of sit-ups.

Many doctors say that sit-ups and crunches are the work exercises and perhaps should never be done. A common mistake done during crunches, is throwing the neck out. Crunches and sit-ups cause the abdominal muscles to be pulled to tight, this excessive pulling put stress on the neck or what is known as throwing the neck out. The overuse of crunch type exercises may even lead to the reduction of thoracic extension and contributes to bad posture.

Six Pack Myth 6: It takes years to get great abs.

Everyone has ab muscles, you just need to train them in the correct manner. To start with you need to get rid of the fat surrounding your abs. Healthy eating is as important as exercise for getting that set of six pack abs. For some, it would take a few weeks. For other it may be longer. Different body type develop at different rates.

Too much information out there today has us doing the wrong exercises and workouts especially when it comes to getting a trim and toned stomach. If you want to get those six pack abs continue reading at Ab Truth

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