Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Your Six Pack Abs Quest: How's That Ab Gadget You Bought Working Out?

Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body and six pack abs by using that “ab contraption”… they got their perfect body through REAL total body conditioning workouts and REAL nutrition strategies.

You should know by now that spot reduction is a myth. No amount of ab exercises or using the ab gadjets will get you six pack abs or serious loss of body fat. Only by total body conditioning and healthy eating will you burn off that unwanted body fat that will then allow your abs to show.

Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks… they’re all a complete waste of your time and money and won’t get you six pack abs. Those marathon treadmill sessions forget them they are of some use but there is a much less time consuming way.

Six pack abs and permanent body fat loss are obtained with the use of total body conditioning with the use of compound exercises.

What are compound exercises? They are exercises that use multiple muscle groups.

*Bench Presses
*Clean and Presses

For the ultimate in lean muscle gain and to lose body fat these are the exercises you should be using. You could put together a workout of 3-5 of theses exercises 3 times a week and you would have an excellant total body conditioning workout. Oh and by the way theses workouts shouldn't take you more than 40-45 minutes.

By focusing more on multi-joint compound exercise as opposed to single-joint muscle isolation, you not only burn a lot more calories during each workout, but you also increase your metabolic rate, and stimulate production of more fat burning and muscle building hormones like growth hormone and testosterone.

Using compound exercises is proven to increase your metabolism which in turn is causing you to lose body fat long after your workout is over. Having lean muscle as opposed to higher levels of body fat causes body fat loss at a higher and faster rate.

Losing That Unwanted Body Fat means you finally having that Six Pack Abs look

Over the last 10 years, scientific research has indicated a couple of very important things to us about exercising for body fat loss. First of all, lifting heavier weights while exercising leads to a higher caloric consumption by the body in the period for about 1-2 days following the workout when compared to lifting light weights with high repetitions. So that’s why 6-8 repetitions per set is better than 12-15 reps per set when it comes to stimulating the metabolism for losing body fat permanently.

Here's a total body conditioning workout you can start using today.

1- Barbell Deadlifts Back, Legs, Abs, Delts, Grip and cardio all get worked during deadlifts - A must do exercise in your workouts.

2 - Dips no dipping bars? do them between 2 chairs. Chest, Triceps and Delts get work.

3 - Squats another must. Use a barbell. Legs, Abs, Hamstrings, Glutes and Cardio all get worked.

4 - Dumbbell or Kettlebell snatch Glutes, Hams, Back, Delts and Cardio.

Total Body conditioning short(not easy)but very effective and efficient for losing body fat gaining lean muscle for that six pack abs look.

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