Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Get That Six Pack Abs Look

How to build some muscle to get that six pack abs look.

Even if your goal isn't to get six pack abs you more than likely are going for the flat, fat free toned abs. For too many of us it's a dream that seems to be a never ending quest.

Keeping with our total body conditioning workouts here are 3 exercises you can easily do at home to help with that six pack abs look.

1) Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers should be performed in 30 seconds. How you can go about this is to lie on the floor with top push-up position. In this way, only your hands and feet are touching the floor. Then, brace your abs by flexing one of your knees and bringing it towards your chest. Return the knee to the starting position and repeat the same routine for the other knee. Do this in a swift tempo as though you are running or as though you are climbing a mountain for about 30 seconds.

2) Burpees

Stand up in a normal position as straight possible. Then slowly progress into a normal bodyweight squat. Once you reach the bottom, put your hans on the floor and throw your feet back so you are in the push-up position. Do a push-up( if your conditioning allows) return to starting position. Yeah you got it the old squat thrust from high school.

3) Kettlebell Swing

Stand up straight with your feet just slightly wider than your shoulders while holding one kettlebell(we are doing a two handed kettlebell swing). Flex at the hips as you swing the kettlebell between your legs. Then quickly and explosively flex your gluteus maximus (your largest muscles on your bottom) and swing the kettlebell up to chest level. Perform the kettlebell swing for about 10 reps.

For a more detailed explanation and video of how to do the kettlebell swing check out Kbells The kettlebell Training Page

After you have finished with the kettlebell Swing exercise, rest for about 20 to 30 seconds. Then start with the routine of Mountain Climbers again and perform the whole circuit as many times as you can in 4 minutes.

You can perform this circuit of these 3 exercises 2-3 times a week on top of your regular workout. Make this a regular workout and in a short amount of time(along with a healthy eating plan) and soon that six pack abs look will be yours.

Remember total body tconditioning workouts like I have just showed you are the fast track to that six pack abs look.

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