Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 Interval Training Workouts


Here are 10 interval training workouts that are mentioned as favorites of people just like you.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fat Loss Myths: 5 Myths And 5 Fat Loss Solutions

Link Fat Loss Myths: 5 Myths And 5 Fat Loss Solutions

Dispell the all to common myths about fat loss. And let's look at 5 Solutions to permanent fat loss

Thursday, July 1, 2010

3 Reasons Why Intermittent Fasting Is A Good Idea!

Link Intermittent Fasting

You may not have heard of intermittent fasting, and so you may not know why it can and should be a part of your workout and fat loss plan. Intermittent fasting is the practice of abstaining from all but water for a period of usually 24 hours to help with the goals associated with fat loss and weight loss in general. The way in which it helps in this arena is by cutting out a full days caloric intake, while still being able to maintain a full workout schedule. Let's look at three main reasons I believe that intermittent fasting is a good idea for anyone serious about fat loss and muscle building!

Click the link above to read the rest of the article

Monday, June 14, 2010

Your 14 Day Fat Loss Guide From Turbulence Training


Craig Ballantyne from Turbulence training has you all set up. Here is a 14 day fat loss guide to fast track your weight loss problems. Go and check it out. It is a day by day guide of what you should be doing starting today.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

6 Pack Abs Another Non Traditional (But Highly Effective) Ab Workout


Are you still struggling to get that six pack abs look? You know that lean tight stomach so your not hanging out over your belt line anymore. Click the link above for a NON Traditional ab workout that can help you reach your goal.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Burn Fat With This 1 Fat Burning Exercise


Click the link above to get the article and video of the bear. Don't know what the bear is? It is the end of your I have no time to exercise excuse.

Monday, May 17, 2010

6 Pack Abs 5 Cool Abs Exercises and A Video


6 pack abs in 2010 how's that going so far? Well if your not getting the results your looking for I have something here that will help.

Craig Ballantyne of the Turbulence Training program is here with his 5 favorite 6 pack abs exercises. This is not your typical ab exercise nonsense (you know endless crunches etc). This article should open your eyes to how you can get 6 pack abs. Your approach to ab exercises should change forever.

Take it away Craig.

In the last week I've been asked three times on Facebook for my top 3 oblique today I'm going to give you my top 5.

Is that okay if I give you 5 cool  abs exercises instead of 3? Oh, and  none of them involve useless pain-in-the-neck crunches.

Here they are...

1) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers

One of my favorite abs exercises in general, this provides an intense contraction in those muscles that show up on the beach running down into your swimsuit. These are eye-catching you can see in my "so famous it's infamous" abs photo on my site.

2) Kettlebell or Dumbbell Renegade Rows

It doesn't matter if you use a kettlebell or flat/hexagonal dumbbells for this one, the renegade row requires an intense ab contraction to maintain proper form.

Both of these abs exercises are hard to describe but you can get them on DVD and do them with me here:

=> Turbulence Training For Abs

3) Spiderman Pushups & Spiderman Climb Pushups

In the past 5 years I've made these two exercises extremely popular in the fitness world, and even though they are a push-up, they still both work your obliques extra hard.

4) High Rep DB Rows

Another "non-abs exercise", but high-rep dumbbell rows done with perfect form and a challenging weight will give you tremendous soreness the next day.

I should mention that all top trainers now understand that the purpose of your abs is NOT to violently twist and crunch your torso, but instead to hold it straight and stable, RESISTING the rotation that "out of touch" trainers are telling you to do.

So with these exercises, not only are you getting a set of amazing abs and obliques, but you're also saving your back and neck from the pain that comes with crunches and situps.

5) Stability Ball Cross-Body Mountain Climbers

Finally, an advanced version of the regular cross-body mountain climber. This adds more upper body work but still does a number on your obliques and your six pack abs. This is another one you'll need to do with me on video.

Here is a video from Craig doing one of his begginner 6 minute abs superset workout.

Turbulence Training For Abs

Honorable Mentions:

a) Planks, Stability Ball Planks, & Side Planks

Not exciting but quite effective...& if you think these are "too easy", you ain't doin' them right. Research shows side planks to be more effective for your obliques than many traditional crunches.

b) Hanging leg raises & Chin-ups+Knee-ups

These are advanced movements, but they work your "lower abs"...and your lower abs are, as Dr. McGill explains, really just where your obliques insert onto the iliac that's why these are great oblique exercises as well.

c) Stability Ball Jackknives & Stability Ball Jackknife Rotations

These are similar to the cross-body mountain climber variations, although both legs move up together.

Again, words just can't do these exercises justice, and unfortunately I can't fly to everyone's house to take you through a workout.

That's why I've put together all of my favorite ab exercises, for both beginners and advanced in my complete Turbulence Training for Abs DVD program.

It's like having me in your home training you in person...and going through each and every rep of every exercise together.

And as part of my 35th Birthday Month, I'm celebrating by knocking another $35 off the price...or you can take advantage of the $35 payment plan here:

=> Turbulence Training For Abs

Your abs will thank you for it. To your lean sexy summer abs,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Xtremely Fast Fat Loss Diet And Exercise

Combine these two things for ridiculously FAST fat loss

Good Morning,

Yesterday I told you about my friend Joel Marion's brand new Xtreme Fat Loss Diet -- the very plan that outlines EVERYTHING you need to know to lose up to 25 lbs in just 25 short days.

But in case you missed my email yesterday, you can still grab the full system at $30 OFF for a little while longer here:

==> Xtreme Fat Burning Diet And Exercise

In this program, Joel shares some of the most strategic fat loss methods I've ever seen. Just check out this article for a taste:


Synergistic Diet & Exercise for RIDICULOUSLY Fast Fat Loss

By Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT

Most people treat their diet and exercise programs as two separate entities -- Totally WRONG if you're looking to lose fat at the fastest possible rate.

You see, if you can learn how to use the most effective exercise strategies to "mirror" the goals of your diet each day (while mixing up dietary approaches to yield specific hormonal and metabolic benefits in the most effective manner possible) you can literally take your results from "okay" to OUT OF THIS WORLD.

That's what I call SYNERGY. Diet and exercise working *together* in a very smart, strategic way to yield the fastest fat loss results possible.

Now, my above explanation may have sounded a bit complicated, so I’ll give you a quick example. Let’s take, for instance, the day after a Cheat Day—you know, those days where you get to eat WHATEVER you want on the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet (which just so happen to occur every 5th day).

==> Xtreme Fat Burning Diet And Exercise

[By the way, if you’re not incorporating Cheat Days into your current diet, you’re *way* behind the fast fat loss curve, and NEED to get on board. Long story short, they save your metabolism and actually allow you to lose fat faster week after week by increasing levels of important fat burning hormones within the body. Not to mention, they’re a heck of a lot of fun].

So, the day after a Cheat Day, the overall goals are as follows:

1. Create a large caloric deficit (to burn as many calories as possible and take advantage of the fact that our bodies are now "primed" to burn fat as a result of the Cheat Day)

2. Deplete maxed-out glycogen stores (carbohydrate energy stores within the body) caused by the high carb and fat content of the Cheat Day

3. Exhaust ALL energy systems to satisfy #1 and #2 while burning additional fat calories to boot

To accomplish these three goals, we’ll use a series of dietary and supplemental strategies to do exactly that while using *exercise* strategies that accomplish the SAME goals, for example:

1. Strategic lactic acid based workouts to burn massive calories and glycogen while stimulating the release of important fat burning hormones that further increase lipolysis (fat burning)

2. Strategic energy systems work that contain both anaerobic "carbohydrate-burning" and aerobic "fat-burning" components.

Combining those types of exercise with dietary strategies that accomplish the same goals leads to a ridiculous fat burning effect.

Essentially, when you set up things this way, you’re tackling your goals via both diet AND exercise. That’s like going after your financial goals via landing a job with a kick-butt income coupled with smart investing. One feeds the other for synergistic results.

And you know what? The above is just ONE example. Within the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet we have FIVE different "types" of diet days (all with slightly different goals) and a very specific exercise strategy to use on each that has led to some of the fastest fat loss results we’ve ever recorded to date with our clients.

Make no mistake, working WITH your diet, hand in hand, through exercise that *mirrors* the goals of each diet strategy can literally DOUBLE your results beyond just “working hard” on each day.

The synergy of strategy never ceases to amaze me, and we reveal it all in the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. In fact, it's the ONLY reason people have consistently lost up to 25 pounds in just 25 days using the full-on 25 day system.

Bottom line, if you want to lose fat FAST, you've got to be SMART in your approach. Enjoy!


Pretty cool, huh? When you start combining smart, specific strategies like THAT, 25 pounds in 25 days starts to sound a LOT more realistic! And it IS. In fact, those are the REAL results from real users of the program, not some hyped up marketing claim.

You can check out the testimonials and get $30 OFF at Joel's site, but the promo IS getting ready to end so I'd make my way over to the below link now:

==> Xtreme Fat Burning Diet And Exercise

I hope you're ready to lose some serious fat...very, very fast.

Talk soon,   Jag252

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Xtreme Fat Loss Solutions For 6 Pack Abs

Over the past few weeks you've probably heard A LOT about my good friend and fat loss "guru" Joel Marion's brand new 25-day RAPID fat loss program, The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet.

Well, I've got some great news for you -- as of today, May 4th, the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet exclusive $30 OFF behind-closed-doors pre-sale is now OPEN, and YOU are invited via this special link:

Xtreme Fat Loss  <------- Your exclusive $30 off invitation

Several IMPORTANT things I need you to be aware of:

1. As mentioned, to celebrate the "Official Release" of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet, Joel is running a $30 OFF pre-sale on the entire system until midnight on Thursday.

2. This special pre-sale is NOT available to the general public, but rather is located on a special "hidden" page of the website.

3. This program is absolutely NOT for everyone:

While Joel's new system *is* all about how to lose fat FAST(up to 25 pounds in 25 days fast), it is NOT a "quick fix", magic-bullet solution.

Instead, it's a highly strategic system that incorporates some rather advanced strategies like cheat days, fast days, depletion days, and strategically timed exercise in the most ideal combination to yield the fastest possible result.

And believe it or not, he's even included one little-known, but extremely effective method on Day 5 of the program that will actually help you GAIN a couple pounds of firm, lean calorie-burning muscle as you rapidly lose fat. Pretty nuts.

Still, the truth remains: this is a somewhat "intense" system and as such will require your full dedication and effort over a short 25 day period--if you're someone who's not able to go 100% for 3 and a half weeks, this program isn't going to be a great fit for you.

BUT, if you're someone who's willing to put in the work and follow the program to a letter for 25 short days, you can expect to see some pretty remarkable progress in a very short period of time.

Xtreme Fat Loss <----- Your pre-sale link

4. VERY IMPORTANT (TODAY ONLY) - While the $30 OFF debut sale will be available through Thursday, there is a super cool $397 Value FAST ACTION BONUS for Day 1 orders ONLY.

The Bonus - If you order today (and today only), you will be given access to a LIVE 120-minute Fat Loss All-Star Coaching session where Joel Marion, John Romaniello (Final Phase Fat Loss), and Dr. Kareem Samhouri (Double Edged Fat Loss) will ALL be on the line to answer your personal fat loss questions. This type of direct coaching from 3 industry experts all at once is not available anywhere else at any price, but if you pick up the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet TODAY, you'll gain access to the LIVE call for *FREE*.

Xtreme Fat Loss <------- $30 off & your $397 value Fast Action Bonus (today only)

Bottom line, I wouldn't be recommending this program to you if I didn't believe in it 110% -- if you're up for the 25 day challenge, this is probably the "smartest" fat loss program I've ever come across. And right now, you can get it before *anyone* else while saving a full $30


P.S. I almost forgot to mention, you get to eat WHATEVER you want every 5th day (no joke):

==> Xtreme Fat Loss

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fat Burning Diets And Workouts Do's And Don'ts

4 Fat Burning Cardio And Diet Mistakes

To burn fat you must be in a calorie deficit simple right? This deficit is accomplished by reducing the number of calories you eat each day or increasing your energy expenditure through exercise. To burn fat fast a combination of both is best.

What’s important to keep in mind with your fat burning diets and workouts is that you must make certain adjustments to make sure you are actually burning fat and not lean muscle.

* Mistake #1 - Losing Muscle And Fat *

This is a common problem, rather than getting leaner, you can lose a combination of both muscle and fat. In order to stop this and just burn fat, increase your protein intake, Reduce your modified carbohyrate intake, Stick to fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts for carbs limit your cardio workouts and keep your weight training heavy.

Doing light weight, high rep workouts are the primary reason why you lose lean muscle.

Keep in mind that a good rate for fat loss is about one to two pounds a week. More than that and there is a good chance that you’re losing muscle.

* Fat Burning Fact *

In order to burn one pound of fat, you have to create a total caloric deficit of 3,500 calories. The normal approach is to aim for 500 calories a day so that you total the 3,500 calories over the course of one week.

* Mistake #2 - Not Changing Your Workouts *

I'm a big beleiver in variety in my workouts. The human body has a great defense mechanism against change. Stick with the same workouts(exercises, sets and reps, tempo, weight etc.) and your body will quickly adapt and you will stop burning fat and adding lean muscle.

By changing your workouts, doesn't happen. Change your exercises. Always strive to lift more weight. Use complexes doing one exercise right after the other as an example: Do a set of Bench Presses then go straight into a set of Bent over Rows. Rest and repeat. Use timed sets. Set a timer for say 15 minutes, using the example I just gave you see how many reps you can do in the 15 minutes next workout try to top it.

* Mistake #3 - Not Using Weight Training *

When it comes to fat burning all too often the advice is marathon treadmill workouts or overdone aerobics classes. With this approach you are really cutting your fat loss efforts short.

Weight training Increases Your Metabolism

Weight training has been proven to give a long lasting boost to your metabolism long after your workout is over. Weight training will help you maintain your total amount of lean muscle, creating a permanent increase in metabolism.

Muscle burns calories at a higher rate. So by having more lean muscle your metabolism will be working at a higher rate even at rest.

Cardio training will only cause a short rise in your metabolic rate for an hour or two after your workout, taking away from the overall calorie-burning benefits compared with resistance training.

* Mistake #4 Low Intensity Cardio Workouts *

Use high intensity Interval training, a higher heart rate burns more calories. For example, you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes of low-intensity work compared to 160 calories in 10 minutes of high intensity, and you also burn more total fat in less time during a high-intensity workout.

Think Interval Training, using sprints as an example, sprint for one minute and then walk or jog for two are best for burning fat.

Combining high-intensity sprints (anaerobic) for 1 minute with walking or jogging for 2 minutes also boosts your metabolism long after the workout is done, so you're still burning fat and calories hours after your workout is over.

There are alot of subtle changes that can make a big difference in getting to your health and fitness goals. If you think about and are aware of what you are eating on a daily basis I would bet making some healthy substitutions you could easily lose 500 calories a day. When it comes to diet it is Never about skipping meals it is about making healthier choices.

With your workouts always use heavy weight (what is heavy to you), use compound exercises(squats, deadlifts, clean & press, dips, rows etc.) this is where you get the best results in lean muscle gains and fat burning. Always workout with intensity. Keep your muscle building and fat burning workouts short. If you are using compound exercises you can work your whole body in 3-5 exercises.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

5 Must Do Abs Exercises

Some of these "sore abs" exercises are advanced, but others can be modified for all fitness levels. You might even be surprised at some of the exercises I'm about to share with you...

So here we go, 5 exercises that have given me sore abs in the last 3 weeks...

#1 - Stability Ball Plank

As I mentioned yesterday, it's 30 percent harder than a regular plank, but last Friday I used it in a weird way that left my abs sore all weekend.

I did a "3 minute stability ball plank challenge". I set a timer for 3 minutes and got in position. As soon as I started feeling fatigue, I stopped, rested for 15 seconds, and then got back in position.

I alternated between the Ball Plank and short rests for a full 3 minutes...and tallied up the amount of time I spent in the Ball Plank - and next week I'll try to beat that time. That challenge is a great way to make the exercise harder and for the time to fly by.

#2 - Stability Ball Rollout

This is one of my 3 favorite ab exercises, and to make it harder and for more ab soreness, the key is to do a sloooooow "roll out". That will put your abs under a loaded stretch - which causes soreness.

Now of course, you MUST train smart and conservatively...but if you are advanced, you can really extend this to about 5 seconds.

If you are an intermediate, don't roll too far out, but take it really, really, really slow. You'll get similar benefits.And you can do all of my favorite stability ball ab exercises with me in the Turbulence Training for Abs DVDs here:

=> Turbulence Training For Abs

#3 - L-Chin up

Okay, this one is super advanced, but for all of my bodyweight compadres out there, dig this:

You're basically going to do a chin-up while holding the top position of a hanging leg raise. Do all your reps like this. At first it will be really tough, but your reps will increase big time after a couple of sessions.

If that's too tough, I still love the Chin-up with Knee-up exercise that I show you in the TT for Abs DVDs.

#4 - Regular Plank done to failure AFTER a hard upper body workout

I know what you're could a regular plank make your abs sore?

Well, there's a little trick to this one...and that is to do the plank at the end of a really tough upper body workout when your arms are pumped and fatigued.

Why? Because it will force your abs to work extra hard, because it takes away a lot of the support that your arms give to a regular plank. So tack a regular plank on to the end of a biceps/triceps superset, and your abs will be pleasantly surprised.

And remember what I said yesterday about needing to be able to do the plank for 2 minutes straight. So go for as long as you can with good form, rest 30-60 seconds, and repeat.

#5 - Strict Hanging Leg Raise and Leg Pike

 Most folks are familiar with the hanging leg raise. You might even have tried it yourself. But you won't get maximum results from this exercise unless you do it with strict form.

That simply means removing as much momentum from the exercise as possible - basically, don't SWING your body and your legs. Instead, brace your abs as hard as possible, start from a "dead hang" position and raise your legs with muscular control - not momentum.

And what's the ab pike? Well, it's an advanced leg raise. In the pike, you'll continue the movement to take your feet all the way to where your hands are holding the bar. Super advanced.

(By the way, I know these all need video demonstrations, and most of them are in the Turbulence Training for Abs DVDs...but I'll try and film a new video of all them soon.)

BONUS EXERCISE - Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

Yes, the simple lying dumbbell triceps extension exercise can cause ab soreness. How? By emphasizing the stretch in your abs at the bottom of the movement.
You'll need to have your head at the very end of the bench and  you'll need to drop the dumbbells a little lower than normal beside your head to get maximum ab stretching benefits...but done right,  this will cause soreness and more sculpted abs if done consistently.

Ok, that's it for today. When I find more "sore abs" exercises, I'll be sure to pass them along.

In fact, the most advanced workout in the TT for Abs DVD series uses upper body exercises to work your abs.

=> Turbulence Training For Abs

Hitting your abs hard without crunches or situps,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Creator, Turbulence Training for Abs DVDs

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

5 Tips To A Flat Stomach And Rock Hard Abs

I want to give you 5 weird tips you might not know when it comes to getting a flat stomach and firm abs.

#1 - The best interval training work-to-rest ratio for losing belly fat might be 1-to-1.5.

In an Australian study, researchers found that doing intervals for 8 seconds followed by 12 seconds of rest resulted in significantly more belly fat burning than long slow cardio.

Now I know that 8 seconds on and 12 seconds off sounds a little annoying (just try doing that on a machine), but the good news is that these researchers found that going for 24 seconds followed by a 36 second rest works just as well for boosting fat burning hormones.

#2 - Dr. Chris Mohr's #1 weird diet tip is...

I just finished up a 2-part fat loss nutrition interview with Dr. Mohr and he told me that his simple, yet slightly weird #1 diet tip for fat loss is...

"Get almost all of your carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables."

I really liked that tip because I've been telling people this for years, and it's part of the Fat Loss Foundation you'll discover as part of the Simple Nutrition manual in the TT Abs package here:

====> Turbulence Training For Abs

Oh, and here's my weird blender drink recipe I mentioned earlier...

The Supercharged Strawberry-Banana blender drink:

1 ripe banana, frozen strawberries, spinach, flax oil (trust me, you can't taste the spinach OR the flax seed oil), cashew butter, chocolate vegetarian protein powder, and almond milk.

It was one of the best recipes I've made in a while.

#3 - You need to be able to do a Plank exercise for 2 minutes.

Dr. Stuart McGill, the world's leading expert on low back health, says in his book that a person with fit abs should be able to do a plank exercise for 2 minutes straight.

If you can't do the plank for 2 minutes, then you need to lose belly fat and you need to get a program that works your abs properly.

The best program for you is the follow-along Turbulence Training for Abs DVDs here:

=====> Turbulence Training For Abs

(You'll also get the Simple Nutrition Manual & DVD as a bonus and you'll save big bucks on the DVDs until Wednesday night.)

#4 - New research shows that supersets training burns more calories than traditional straight set resistance training.

And that's exactly what you'll get in every Turbulence Training workout, including the TT for Abs DVDS.

The TT programs save you time (getting you done in half the time of a traditional resistance workout) while helping you burn more fat.

#5 - To see your abs, a man will need to be close to 10% fat and a woman will need to be at about 16% fat.

Of course, the more muscle you have, the easier it will be too see your abs, so you'll still be able to see a 4-pack on muscular guys when they have 12-13% fat.

But the bottom line is that you need to use the Simple Nutrition plan combined with the Turbulence Training for Abs workouts to burn belly fat to see your sexy abs.

BONUS Tip - A great way to work your abs harder than normal planks  is the Stability Ball Plank.

Research reported in Men's Health magazine reported this exercise to be 30% harder on your abs than a regular plank.

And last Friday I used an interesting technique with this exercise that caused my abs to be sore for days. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Monday, April 12, 2010

6 Pack Abs: Fat Burning Workouts To See Your Abs

You hear so much today about core workouts for fat burning these days, but I don't think people really get it. Doing "core exercises" on a BOSU ball is a waste of time if you can't do the exercise properly standing on a flat floor. This misinformation has taken us in the wrong direction to get 6 pack abs.

Instead, there is a much better way to do core workouts for fat burning that don't involve circus tricks, and that is to use a variety of total-body, multi-muscle movements and total-body ab exercises. In fact, we won't even refer to "core training" or "core workouts" any longer, because I don't think "core exercises" is a scientific term.

Instead of using "core workouts", we're going to focus on total body fat burning workouts and exercises that focus on the upper torso and also use the legs. Plus, we're not going to do any crunches. In fact, you can have a workout that is completely free of both cardio and crunches and you can still get great 6-pack abs and fat burning results. I believe you actually need to remove cardio and crunches from your workout program if you want to get fast results, because both of those (so called) fat burning exercise techniques are a waste of your time.

In a fat burning workout, you should always start with a bodyweight warm-up that includes exercises for your lower body, upper body, and torso. Fortunately, by choosing the right exercises - rather than using core exercises that include BOSU balls and the like - you can warm-up your body in as little as two movements.

For example, if you used the Prisoner Squat and Elevated Pushup, you would work your lower body and upper back (Prisoner Squat) and your upper body and torso (Elevated Pushups). That's all you need to get your muscles prepared for the upcoming total-body supersets.

After the warm-up, you should do resistance training for fat burning. This takes only 10-20 minutes because you are choosing the right fat burning exercises, and again you skip the BOSU ball circus exercises for your "core". Forget about the stuff and stick to the basics. If you are doing a dumbbell workout, use a dumbbell split squat and decline pushup as your first superset. Your abs will have to work really hard in both calorie-burning exercises to maintain proper position and posture.

After that superset, use dumbbell rows (a powerful core exercise if there ever was one!) and stability ball leg curls to work the back of the legs. You can then finish the core of your workout with a 3rd superset featuring X-body mountain climber and side planks, two of the best so-called "core exercises" for your obliques. If you want to get those sexy muscles that tuck into your waistband, go with these ab exercise superset for fat loss. It's powerful stuff.

To finish off your fat burning workout, use interval training instead of long, slow boring cardio. Your abs will work harder doing the heavy breathing of the interval training, and you will get more results in less time, because you only need to do half the exercise time when using interval training. Research shows you'll get more fat burning results doing only 20 minutes of interval training compared to the results you get doing 40 minutes of cardio.

If you stick to this type of fat loss program, using only total-body fat burning exercises and interval training, and forgetting about crunches and cardio, you will lose fat fast.

Want to try 3 of the most popular Turbulence Training Ab Workouts for FREE. Click here ====> Turbulence Training For Abs for your free workouts.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kettlebell Six Pack Abs Exercises

I have a guest post and video from awhile back Kettlebell Six Pack Abs Exercises. Thanks to Chris Lopez of The Kettlebell Revolution for this. Enjoy

Earlier this weekend, the six of us - my 4 kids, my wife (who’s due with #5 very soon) and myself - went up north to the Muskoka region of Ontario and stayed at a beautiful hotel with the rest of our extended family for the long weekend.

It was literally breathtaking up there and it was nice to get away from the city, disconnect, enjoy the fresh air - the air really was different - and admire the colors of the changing leaves. With baby #5 due within a couple of weeks, this was our last hurrah as “The Lopez Family 6″ and our last extended weekend of normalcy before we make the adjustment to being a family of 7 (!!!!).

We just wrapped up Thanksgiving here in Canada…and I mean that literally because I just finished wrapping the last piece of leftover turkey with some aluminum foil. In addition to the turkey, I had the luxury of finding space in our fridge for the candied yams, stuffing, lots of steamed asparagus (nobody seems to eat them except me) and some leftover pumpkin pie (note to self: go to the grocery store to pick-up more whip cream to finish that sucker off).

Just like “American” Thanksgiving - that’s what us Canadians call it - there’s always an overabundance of food and dessert available to us. Sometimes, it’s a matter of us recognizing when we’ve had enough, whether we’re full or not, and to call it quits. Whether you call it will power or just knowing “thyself”, this is a key component to getting those 6-pack-abs that we’re all after.

One of the biggest mistakes is doing too much of NOTHING in the gym.

Do we need to jog on the treadmill everyday for 30 minutes?

Do we need to do front raises, lateral raises and reverse flies to “hit” every head of our shoulder muscles?

Do we need to spend an hour training one body part?

No. We need to focus on using our time doing things of HIGH IMPACT that will get us the most results in the least amount of time. We need to be doing the exercises that will give us the most bang for our buck.

When it comes to ab training, crunches and sit-ups need to take a back seat. There is no place for these exercises in our busy lives.

That’s why we train with kettlebells.

Because working with KBs allows us to cut through the fluff of the “regular” gym-culture training. We’ve chosen to by-pass the weekend certified trainers. To choose to eat real food instead of the potions that they serve at the juice bar. And to stop doing bicep curls in the squat rack.

Here’s a video that I filmed with Craig Ballantyne a few weeks ago showing you the best Bang-For-Your-Buck kettlebell ab exercises…

For More Kettlebell Workouts <= Click Here

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fat Burning And Metabolism Boosting 11 Solutions

Building lean muscle, fat burning and metabolism boosting. So much information online but do you have the right info? With my blog here I try to go through all I can find and bring you the best resources. Well I have a FREE e-book form Vince Del Monte that I think you will find very informative.

Go through the article and click the links to get your freebie I am sure you will get something from it. So with that Enjoy.

Listen, NONE of these will boost your metabolism enough to make a difference in your fat loss program:

- Breakfast

- Green Tea

- Drinking cold water

- Caffeine

- Protein shakes

But don't worry, there are some fitness secrets that will still have a powerful impact on your metabolism, and they are:

1) Superset training
2) Interval training

3) Increasing your lean body mass

And just this weekend, Vince Del Monte sent me a report showing you 12 ways to boost your lean mass...and therefore to keep your metabolism running fast.

I have been using #6 High Frequency Lifting after talking with Vince about it and it has really given me some new stimulation and very good results in my training.

I will tell you I don't like #1
The GREAT NEWS is that he's giving away the check out 12 ways to boost your metabolism with his 12 anabolic factors here:

=> Fat Burning And Metabolism Boosting

NOTE: This is not your regular old list of "sets and reps" tips.

Instead, Vince covers every single factor - from your motivation and mindset to your genetics to the science behind building lean mass.

It's an amazing're going to want to spend more than just a few seconds skimming. I recommend getting comfortable with a healthy drink and really getting into it...

Vince is also very passionate, and you can tell he is the son of a pastor, because both he and his father are blessed with the gift of bringing a powerful and important message to their audience with warmth and compassion, and in a style that is entertaining while educating everyone no matter how complex the topic.

I guarantee this report will bring a smile to your face and amazing new inspiration to your fitness program.

You'll discover WHY these 12 factors work, HOW to make them work, and the exact methods (WHAT) you need to use to make them work.

It's a blueprint for Fat Burning And Metabolism Boosting success.

Again, Vince is GIVING these secrets away to you for the next 3 days, so visit this website to get instant access to his secrets:

=> Fat Burning And Metabolism Boosting

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Six Pack Abs What They Are And How They Work

Six Pack Abs What Where How?

If you ask most men and women what one of thier main fitness goal is, it would be to have lean, flat rock hard six pack abs – it looks just like a washboard, and it’s something most people strive to have, but few know how to get them. Six pack abs are muscles that go from your chest to your pelvic region.

The muscle runs flat and there are some tendons that crisscross over the muscle, which make it all separate and appear as a washboard effect. The muscle helps with any movement in your body that’s associated with your core, so it pays to strengthen the muscle for more than just aesthetic reasons.

You also have oblique muscles that are both external and internal and attached to your ribs. The external ones are diagonal in your body and the internal ones appear at a right angle to them. They’re there to provide extra support for your body.

The abdominis is another muscle hiding under the layers of belly fat that you may currently be fighting. It helps support the abdominal wall and helps with your core strength.

Knowing what your ab muscles are helps you to train them more efficiently. You can first work on burning the layers of fat off of your torso so that your ab muscles have the potential to show up. By using workouts made up of total body fat burning exercises (Squats, Deadlifts, Rows, Pullups, Clean and Press etc.) focusing your efforts on more effective full body exercises that stimulate a much greater fat-burning and muscle building hormonal response, burn more calories, stimulate the metabolism to a higher extent, and also indirectly work the abs to a decent degree anyway, is what will have that extra body fat off quick. plus you might be surprised how much work your core and abs get by using these total body fat burning exercises.

After losing your extra body fat then you can start doing some ab specific exercises in your workouts for defining your abs so that you will have that six pack abs look. Start with simple exercises like reverse crunches, rollouts etc, but don't over do it twice a week is plenty remember what I said about the ab work you get from the total body fat burning exercises? Over time, you’ll see your abs become stronger and you won’t be afraid to take off your shirt and let others see those six pack abs you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

6 Pack Abs Fat Burning Exercise Online Videos

Good Morning,

I wanted to let you know about an email I got from Mike Geary of The Truth About Abs program. Mike now has a special package of his fat burning abs program on video. Online video instruction as opposed to just reading a manual takes the guess work out of whether you are doing the fat burning exercises correctly.

Step-by-step EXACTLY how to do each exercise. One of the MOST important aspects of your fat burning success will be making sure that you do every fat burning exercise with correct form.

This is what The Truth About Abs video package will give you.

Inside the Truth About Abs Online Video VIP Access Area you'll also find:

•How to burn body fat and get lean lower abs faster by learning all of the unknown tricks on how to maximize your results from these extrememly effective fat burning exercises

•View every single exercise and example workout program via the online VIP Video Access.

•You also have the option to download any and all of the fat burning exercises and workout videos to your iPod!

•Every warm-up routine

•Every abdominal routine

•Every full-body fat burning workout routine

•The "Secret Weapon Fat Burning Exercises"

•Reduce your risk of injury by having one of the top Personal Trainers (and Physical Therapist) in the industry take you through perfect form on each exercise.

The Truth About Abs program is one of the best fat burning programs available today. If you are not familiar with it it isn't about doing endless ab exercises. What it is is about doing total body Fat Burning exercises in total body fat burning workouts.

Don't be fooled hopefully you know you can't spot reduce fat. You will never see you rabs by doing ab specific exercises. By doing total body fat burning exercises will you finally see your abs.

Now let me end with this Mike is offering a 70% discount on the fat burning video training with 2 different packages to chose from so go right now and check it out.

Fat Burning Online Video Workouts

Sunday, March 7, 2010

3 Tips To Lose Stomach Fat And Have Low Body Fat

3 Tips To Lose Stomach Fat And Have Low Body Fat

That six pack abs look you know the lean muscled, low body fat and rock hard abs look we want. There is so much information online and all the infomercial ab gadgets, celebrity diets and the latest lose your stomach fat get rock hard abs magic pill that will burn off your excess body fat overnight?

So Why Doesn’t Everybody Have Flat Rock Hard Abs?

Click the link above to continue reading. Have a good day.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Abdominal Fat 1 Spice That Beats It

1 Unique Spice That Beats Abdominal Fat:

I have a great article for you today from one of my trusted colleagues, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Mike Geary. It's about a specific spice that could help you to burn body fat and get leaner, in an indirect way...


1 Unique Spice That Beats Abdominal Fat:

Ok, this spice that I'm going to mention is one of the most overlooked, but healthiest spices in the world...

You might even call it a "fat burning spice"... in a roundabout way.

And yes, it can actually help you win the battle against abdominal fat if you use it daily...I'll explain why.

Here are some other benefits of this miracle spice:

*controls blood sugar levels
*helps maintain insulin sensitivity
*a very powerful antioxidant
*may have antibacterial and antifungal properties
*and dozens of other benefits

So what is this miracle spice?

Well... it's good old tasty Cinnamon!

Although cinnamon does not directly increase fat burning (such as by increasing metabolic rate, etc), it CAN actually help you to burn off abdominal fat and get leaner through an indirect link.

Here's how...

Although cinnamon has dozens of health benefits, the main benefit that will help you to get leaner is through it's strong effect on controlling blood sugar levels in your body.

In a study published in 2003 in the medical journal Diabetes Care, groups were split into people taking 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon per day in capsule form (the equivalent of approx 1/4th to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon).

The results of the study showed that all 3 amounts of cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 18-29% after 40 days.

Cinnamon can also increase insulin sensitivity, which essentially means that it is helping your body to control blood sugar while simultaneously allowing your body to produce less insulin.

As you know, chronically high insulin levels can make your body pack on the blubber.

How to harness this to lose more fat...

One possible way to benefit from cinnamon to lose more fat is to use cinnamon daily in your meals when you can, such as in yogurt or cottage cheese, in smoothies, oatmeal, or anything else you can think of where it would go well.

Also, you could use a cinnamon capsule before each of your meals.

This could help to control blood sugar and insulin response from your meals and thereby control your appetite and cravings throughout the day... hence, helping you to lose body fat more effectively over time.

So now you can see that not only is cinnamon a powerful antioxidant that can help you stay youthful longer, it can also help you to control blood sugar and get a leaner body!

Note: please make sure to consult your doctor before adding any new foods or spices to your nutrition plan if you are taking any medications or have food allergies.

Go to the link below to discover over a dozen more unique foods, spices, and weird styles of workouts that help to burn your abdominal fat faster:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

2 Lean Body Recipes

Good Morning,

Just a quick post today a couple of recipes from Mike Geary of the Truth About Abs Program and Fat Burning Kitchen enjoy!

This is one of my favorite dinner recipes! ...also a breakfast idea below.

If you've never tried spaghetti squash, it's delicious and it's also a great alternative to pasta, since it's much higher in nutrient density and MUCH lower in carbohydrates. So you get MORE nutrition and less calories and starchy carbs which are just contributing to your abdominal fat.

My favorite way to eat spaghetti squash is to bake it and scoop the spaghetti like textured squash out and then top it with tomato sauce with veggies mixed in, and grass-fed bison sausage. It's a great healthy dinner that's so much lower in carbs than eating a belly-stuffing plate of pasta.

If you've never baked a spaghetti squash before, it's simple... you just cut in half, take out the seeds, and lie the cut sides down in a big baking dish, and then put about an inch of water in the bottom of the pan. cover and bake around 400 or so for about 75-90 minutes depending how big the squash is.

Then you just use a fork to scoop out the squash and it comes out in spaghetti-like strands.

*My 2nd favorite use for spaghetti squash:

Now you've had your spaghetti squash, sauce, and bison sausage dinner and you still have tons of leftover spaghetti squash.

Perfect! Now you have a great healthy breakfast by throwing a layer of spaghetti squash into a pan with some virgin coconut oil and cooking scrambled eggs into the squash. I tried this a couple weeks ago and was blown away how good it was! This was my favorite breakfast for at least 3 days in a row while I finished the leftover squash.

I just added a bunch of seasonings to the eggs and spaghetti squash mixture and it came out really good. Use your creativity with this one on the seasonings.

I hope this newsletter gave you some ideas to try a few new healthy meals.

1 Trick to stop cravings & control appetite

I have a great nutrition program for you today from nutrition expert Mike Geary.

Mike is one of my most trusted colleagues in the field of nutrition, so pay attention to this info on how to control cravings and appetite to get that lean body that you want.

As it turns out Mike is celebrating his 34th birthday with a HALF price deal on his new Fat Burning Kitchen program. You can grab this program today for less than you'd spend on some greasy dinner, so do something that will improve your body instead!

This is basically everything you've ever wanted to know about how to eat for PERMANENT fat loss and appetite control (as well as for longevity and supreme health). Grab the half price deal today before it expires Thursday Feb 25th:

Fat Burning Kitchen

With all of the confusion out there these days regarding nutrition, and every so-called "health expert" touting new fangled gimmicks for how to eat for fat loss, you NEED to check out this product to learn how to permanently control your appetite and eliminate junk food cravings.

If you thought any of these items below were healthy, you're going to be SHOCKED about what you read inside the FBK program:

*Canola Oil, soybean oil, etc
*Whole grain breads or crackers
*Tofu or soymilk
*so-called "energy" drinks
*Protein bars
*Skim milk
*Rice cakes
*Sports drinks
*Low-carb "designer foods"
*Low-fat "designer foods"


You'll see why inside the FBK program. Grab it today while you can still get the Half price deal:

Fat Burning Kitchen check it out.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Six Pack Abs Problems And Fixes

1) Common Abs Problem #1 - You have belly fat covering your abs

Solution: Interval training has been shown to help research subjects
lose belly fat. You could almost say it causes spot reduction,
because that's where you'll lose belly fat first with intervals.

In the new TT for Abs DVDs, you'll be able to do your interval
training following along with me.

2)Common Abs Problem #2 - You still have a lower belly pooch

Solution: Eat more fruits and vegetables. You may even want to
replace calories from grains in your diet with almonds or other raw

Fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts are all associated with weight loss
and are the foundation of the new Simple Nutrition program that
you'll get with the TT for Abs DVDs.

3) Common Abs Problem #3 - You have no lower abs

Solution: Unconventional exercises like Stability Ball Jackknives,
side planks, and even planks can help you work your lower abs better
and safer than traditional crunches.

4) Common Abs Problem #4 - You're struggling to get sexy abs

Solution: This one will surprise you, but you better believe it.
If you are lean and you've been doing your abs, but they just aren't
right, my old friend Brad Pilon suggests you just need to get a tan.

Seriously, you'll be shocked by how a tan can bring out your muscle
definition all over your body.

5) Common Abs Problem #5 - You can't keep a tight tummy

Solution: Make sure you brace your abs in every exercise you do,
from traditional planks to bodyweight squats, chin-ups, pushups,
and even chest presses. By tightening your abs all the time, you'll
be able to keep a tight tummy all the time.

6) Common Abs Problem #6 - You don't have obliques (or those sweet
lower ab lines that run into your waistband like I do)

Solution: Well, of course you need low body fat to see your abs, but
to help you build obliques and sexy diagonal lines that run into
your waistline, I suggest trying my favorite oblique move, the
Cross-Body Mountain Climber. I'll show you a few versions in the TT
for Abs DVDs.

7) Common Abs Problem #7 - You just don't have abs

Solution: Again, we need to get rid of belly fat, but if you need to
"pop out" your abs, an exercise like the Stability Ball Rollout will
help you build up your abs.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

How To Have Low Body Fat And Rock Hard Abs

That six pack abs look you know the lean muscled, low body fat and rock hard abs look we want. There is so much information online and all the infomercial ab gadgets, celebrity diets and the latest lose your stomach fat get rock hard abs magic pill that will burn off your excess body fat overnight?

So Why Doesn't Everybody Have Flat Rock Hard Abs?

Because most people take the wrong approach. They fall for the latest hollywood diet or infomercial gadget. But mostly it is simply looking for the quick fix. After thirty years of eating the wrong foods and sitting on the couch you can have less stomach fat and rock hard abs in 3 easy workouts.

Hey it's your money but probably a bad idea.

Despite regular workouts and trying every new supplement rock hard abs? No. And that excess stomach fat still there.

Wait whats that? You spent how many hours on the treadmill this week? And you have been doing it for how long? But you are reading this article so I guess your still carrying around that excess stomach fat? And rock hard abs? still a dream.

So What's The Best Way To lose that excess stomach fat and get rock hard abs?

Build Muscle. Plain and Simple. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn. Now when I say build muscle I'm not talking about huge pro bodybuilder muscles.

I'm going to give you 3 tips to start building lean muscle, lose your stomach fat, have low body fat and get rock hard abs.

1. 95% of the exercises you use in your workouts should be compound exercises. It doesn't matter if your goal is to build muscle or lose fat.

*upper body - bench press, pushups, dips, rows 1-arm dumbbell rows, seated cable rows, bent over barbell rows, pullups, chinup, overhead dumbbell and barbell presses, barbell or kettlebell clean & presses

*Lower Body - front squats, back squats, overhead squats, bodyweight squats, regular deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, jump lunges.

*Core and Ab exercises (important, but are 2nd priority, abs and core will be worked with the compound exercises). You might be surprised how much work your abs get during a set of front squats.

The other 5% of your exercises can focus on single joint exercises (isolation exercises). These exercises are only accessory exercises.

2. Train hard and intensely 3-4 days/week for 45-60 minutes per workout. Max workout time is 60 minutes (45 would be best) as training too much beyond this point can trigger excess catabolism. You want to stay anabolic, but you still need to train your body hard and intensely enough to build muscle and lose fat.

Try a super-set workout to maximize the intensity. My favorite combinations are opposing upper and lower body exercises, such as squats coupled with pullups as a superset, or bench press coupled with bent over rows.

Don't underestimate the effectiveness of these types of workouts done with heavy weights and a high intensity. The first time in my life that I experienced significant muscle gains were when I started doing these types of workouts.

These are mainstays of almost any effective workout adjust caloric intake whether your goal is fat burning or to build muscle.

3. Eat clean (the real key to losing stomach fat and getting rock hard abs) with quality whole foods. REAL foods instead of highly processed over-hyped supplement powders and bars.

The quality of protein (and additional nutrition from vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) are best assimilated by the body from real whole foods. Instead of from processed protein powders, chemical-laden bars, and meal replacements.

Okay 3 plain and simple (but effective) steps to lose that stomach fat and get rock hard abs

Forget about the hyped up workouts in the muscle mags that only work for pro bodybuilders or people on steroids. Forget about the over-hyped supplement "stacks" that pay the bills for almost every muscle mag... Instead, make these tips in this article part of your lifestyle, and you'll see muscle gains and a leaner, ripped body with trim rock hard abs like you've never seen before! Now Go Get Started Now get That Six Pack Abs Look

Saturday, January 2, 2010

6 Pack Abs And Kettlebell Exercises

6-Pack-Abs & Kettlebells

For years the so called "fitness experts” have been telling us to do endless crunches and sit ups to get great abs. Or buy the latest six pack abs gadget.

Combine that with the latest low fat diet and hours upon hours of slow boring cardio and - BANG! Instant 6-Pack Abs, right?

It’s amazing how, if you say something over and over and over again, people - even the most well-informed and educated people - will believe it as the truth.

But we know better, right?

So when I get asked, almost on a daily basis, how to lose fat and get six-pack-abs, my answer seems to confuse the “general population”…

1. Perform full-body exercises.

2. Train your abs the way they were meant to be trained (by forcing them to stabilize your torso, not move it or rotate it).

3. Use some form of interval training instead of long boring cardio.


4. Nutrition, clean food focusing on fruits & vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats limiting grains and refined carbs to a minimum.

That about sums it up in a nutshell and it doesn’t get any simpler than that.

When it comes to training with kettlebells, getting that six-pack is easy if you follow the rules above.

And one of the best exercises to get that 6-pack is the Turkish Get-Up or TGU.

Simply put, TGUs involve you laying on the ground holding a KB vertical with one arm and then performing a series of movements to get you standing upright.

It sounds simple enough, but rest assured, if you use a heavy enough kettlebell and use proper technique, it’s as hard an exercise as they come. And it will challenge you like no other KB exercise out there.

There are 2 variations on how to perform the TGU. Take a look at the video below and see which variation suits your abilities best.

Turkish Get Ups (TGUs) from Chris on Vimeo.

Remember, we train with kettlebells to simplify our lives and to give us an alternative to going to the gym and wasting the precious time it takes for us to drive, park, change, etc, etc. Time that can be spent doing more meaningful and impactful things - like spending time with our families & friends.

The truth about training to get 6 pack abs and a low % body fat is that our results aren’t so much dependant on what we do IN THE GYM, but what we do the other 23.5 hours in the day.

Are we getting enough sleep?

Are we able to handle our stress levels? (Notice how I said, “handle” and not “eliminate” stress. Fact is that stress is a part of life and it’s next to impossible to completely eliminate stress. Learning how to properly handle stress is more realistic.)

Are we eating whole, natural foods?

Don’t get me wrong, exercise plays a vital role in getting lean. After all, it’s still just a matter of calories in vs. calories out - or EAT LESS, MOVE MORE.

But if you’re using KB exercises and training at least 3 times per week, then, from an exercise standpoint, you’re on the right track!

I would like to thank Chris Lopez of the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution for this article on how the TGU and kettlebell exercises can help us get a flat stomach and lose that extra body fat.