Monday, August 17, 2009

6 Pack Abs In 2009: Pizza VS Cardio

I just watched this hilarious video that hammered home a invaluable nutrition lesson.

I wish I had filmed this first but my two buddies Craig Ballantyne and Brad Pilon beat me to it.

In the video Brad is out to PROVE to Craig the famous saying:

"You Can't Out Train A Bad Diet!"

The two have a Pizza VS Cardio contest!

So Craig jumps on a treadmill and cranks it up to the absolute maximum speed with a slight incline (without falling off) and starts sprinting.

While Craig is busting his butt at 11.0 MPH, killing himself to lose fat, Brad is standing beside him consuming a box of pizza.

After about 3 minutes, Brad has consumed 800 calories (half a pizza) and Craig has burned 42 calories!


Moral of the story - you CAN NOT out train a bad diet.

Here's What You Can Do...

Stop following a diet period.

Use these MEAL PLANS instead.
=> Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

Compare any other diet book or diet method to simply following a "designed-for-you" meal plan that eliminates 100% of the guess work and you'll come out on top 100% of the time - GUARANTEED.

How do I know this?

Because the best meal plan is based on BALANCE and VARIETY which is exactly catered to your physiological make up. You can't get more personalized than that!

And the best part is, all you do is plug in a few basic measurements to determine which plan to follow and you begin your VERY NEXT MEAL today.

It's critical that you put your meal plan into action TODAY - not tomorrow, not next week or next month.

I love these plans because they are SO EASY to implement your very next meal and continue until you have developed the habits necessary to see results so that you stay motivated and finally perfect your body and health.

There are no rules to follow, complex formulas, expensive supplements, ridiculous macronutrient ratios that you need to concern yourself with.

Everything is already DONE-FOR-YOU and designed-for-you.

Grab your PROVEN meal plans here:

=> Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

I promise these will give you everything you need to eat right so you can implement them immediately.

Vince DelMonte
Author, No Nonsense Muscle Building
Author, Your Six Pack Quest
Advisory Team Maximum Fitness Mag
Contributor to Men's Fitness Mag
Honors Kinesiology Degree

P.S. Eliminate all the nutrition nonsense and stop thinking you need a "special diet" which is a complete LIE, massive nutrition conspiracy and scam.

You need to start with a simple nutritional template that is CONSTANT and COMPLETE with the CORRECT foundational nutritional principles.

Click here to grab your copy today:
--> Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

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