Monday, September 28, 2009

My 20 Minute Workout For Fat Loss and Lean Muscle Gains

Whatever your fitness goals are muscle building, fat loss, cardio or all of the above keep your workouts short. There really is no need to do hour long marathon workouts. There is a better way.

If you have read any of my other articles you know I believe in doing total body workouts. Weight training, kettlebell training and bodyweight exercises are use3d in my workouts for adding variety.

Let's face facts sticking to an exercise program is not easy. after a hard day at work sometimes the thought of going home to workout isn't that appealing. That's why I like to and always tell people to use variety in thier workouts.

By combining weight training, kettlebell training, bodyweight exercises whether you use all 3 in a workout or a combination of them really does stop the boredom of doing the same old workout all the time.

As an example I wanted to show you the workout I did yesterday. In this workout I used weight training exercises and bodyweight exercises in a modified complex workout. I often will structure my workouts to be done in comlexes.

What is a complex?

Complexes are pairing 2 or more exercises and doing a set of each before taking a rest. Normally I don't use more than 2 exercises per complex. That's my personal choice you may want to do more.

My 20 minute workout.

Complex #1

1A - Dumbbell Clean and Press - 4 sets of 5 reps 1 set of 4 reps - this is done with 2 dumbbells doing a clean before each press. This is one of my favorite exercises it is really a total body workout on it's own.

1B - Mountain Climbers - 1 set of 18 3 sets of 16 1 set of 14 - as soon as I put down the dumbbells I go right into mountain climbers.

Stand Alone Exercise:

2 - Deadlifts - 4 sets of 5 1 set of 4 - deads are another of my favorites and really get your whole body working. So I normally do these as a stand alone exercise.

Complex #2

3A - Dumbbell Rows - 4 sets of 6 reps - these are single arm rows a good lat exercise

3B - Pushups - 4 sets of 12 reps - yep plain old push-ups a very effective and neglected exercise (as are most bodyweight exercises

Well that was my 20 minute total body workout yesterday. Muscle building, fat loss and cardio work. remember on the complexes no rest in between exercises. Try to cut down on your rest periods as your conditioning increases.

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