Friday, October 2, 2009

Who Can Burn Fat Faster Men Or Women

Fat Burning- Men Vs Women To get that six pack abs look let's see if you are going about it the right way and who has the advantage for fat burning men or women.

Men and women both have a hard time with fat burning, but for different reasons. Let's identify the top 5 reasons why it's hard for men and women to burn body fat, and look at the 3 proven diet and exercise techniques to help in your fat burning so you can get that six pack abs look.

Here are 5 reasons men and women struggle to burn body fat, and the 3 essential techniques everyone must follow in order to burn fat and boost their metabolism.

#1) The number one reason men and women have a hard time losing body fat is because of poor nutrition.

Advantage: Women

Most women are better educated on food choices, but men continue to eat as if they were still playing college football. As a result, men will have a harder time losing weight because no matter how much they exercise, they are still eating too many calories. You can't "out-train a bad diet".

#2) The second reason men and women struggle wit body fat is because their metabolism decreases over time due to muscle loss and reduced activity.

Advantage: Men

Most men have more muscle mass and get more exercise than women. Plus, more men do strength training while women neglect this key element of the fat burning equation. In fact, a recent study showed that both men and women can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time with strength training - even at age 60!

Without strength training and interval training, women will continue to burn fewer calories per day with each passing year and will have a harder and harder time with body fat.

#3) Men and women will struggle with weight loss if they only rely on slow, boring cardio.

Advantage: Men

More men do interval training, and that is better than slow cardio for fat burning.

In a recent study, men and women on a year-long cardio program lost only 6-8 pounds, even though they exercised 6 days per week. In another study, a group of women did not lose weight after 15 weeks of cardio (3x's per week). In contrast, a group of women in the same study that did interval training were able to lose belly fat.

#4) Men and women have a hard time with weight loss if they don't have social support.

Advantage: Women

Most men try to do everything on their own, but weight loss is easier if you have social support. On the other hand, most women are more willing to recruit help from friends and family when on a weight loss program. Men and women can get social support from friends at work, from their family, from people at the gym, or even in an online fat loss forum.

#5) Men and women struggle with weight loss because of poor execise choices.

Advantage: Tie.

Most guys and gals just show up at the gym without a plan - or they just go for a jog and do some crunches. But without a professional plan, both men and women will not lose weight, but only waste time.

To lose the most amount of body fat in the least amount of time, both men and women should follow a program containing the following three essential elements...

A) A reduced-calorie diet of whole, natural foods.

No one needs an extreme eating plan. Just focus on eating 10-20% fewer calories than you need, focusing on vegetables, fruits, nuts, and sources of protein and healthy fats. Stay away from anything in a bag or a box.

B) Resistance training (Strength training)

Resistance training, using dumbells, bodyweight exercises, or barbells help men and women burn fat and build muscle.

C) Interval training

Short bursts of exercise, as done in interval training, work better than slow, boring cardio, and get results in half the time.
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1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    check out my site. It shows you how I got a six pack in just a few weeks! Its crazy I know but all you need is two supplements! Don't waste your money on protein shakes and all that crap.
